Dear Friends...
Though, it doesn't match with the theme of this blog, but it is really important and necessary....
Tell me what u think about reactions of mumbai terror strike....
well i can tell u what i think... tell me r u thinking in same way...
सेना अध्यक्षों की सलाह से एक कमांडो फोर्स गाठी जाए जिसमें मौजूदा कमांडो को शामिल करें और आतंक से लड़ने के लिए विशेष विभाग हो, जो किसी मंत्री या नेता के अधीन काम न करे। सारे राजनीतिक दल शपथ पत्र प्रस्तुत करें कि चुनाव में कोई भी जीते इस विशेष दस्ते के काम में दखल नहीं देगा। कमांडो दल केवल जल, थल और वायुसेना अध्यक्षों के अधीन रहेंगे। इस तरह राजनीति से पूरी तरह मुक्त संगठन ही वर्तमान आतंकवादी संगठनों से लड़ सकता है। इसे उच्चतम वेतन पाने वाला व्यवसायी संगठन बनाना होगा जिसे टेंडर निकालकर घटिया हथियार खरीदने पर बाध्य नहीं होना पड़े।
A commando force has to be established in guidance of all army chiefs, and existing commandos should be included in it. There should be a separate department to fight against terror, which will not be working under any minister or leader. All political parties should produce an affidavit, that whom so ever be in govt, will not interfere in work of this special force. This special force will receive instructions only from chief of air force, military and navy. This kind of organization, which will also be free from any kind of political pressure, can only fight with existing terrorist organizations. This organization should be formed as a highest salary paying professional organization, which will not be required to purchase worst quality weapons by inviting tenders in a government method....
Tell me about your opinion....
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
What We Have To Do After Mumbai Terror Strike...
Posted by
6:34 AM
Monday, September 29, 2008
India ! Learn from Sweden...
स्वीडन से सीखने लायक एक मिसाल
गुरचरन दास
Sunday, September 21, 2008 13:44 [IST]
सामयिक. भारतीय स्कैंडिनेविया के बारे में बहुत कम जानकारी रखते हैं। इसमें उत्तरी यूरोप के चार देश- स्वीडन, नार्वे, डेनमार्क और फिनलैंड शामिल है।
हममें से कुछ लोग मोबाइल कंपनी नोकिया के बारे में जरूर जानते हैं जो फिनलैंड की है। भौगोलिक विविधताओं में आनंद लेने वाले लोगों की नजर में यह ऐसी जगह है जहां गर्मी में मध्यरात्रि तक सूरज के दर्शन किए जा सकते हैं।
मेरे जैसे पुराने उदारवादी स्कैंडिनेविया को अत्यंत नियंत्रित, नौकरशाही ग्रस्त और अत्यधिक टैक्स वाली अर्थव्यवस्था के रूप में याद करते हैं। लेकिन आर्थिक सुधारों के बाद वहां का परिदृश्य काफी बदल गया है। अब स्कैंडिनेवियाई देश समाजवाद और पूंजीवाद के मिश्रण का बेहतरीन उदाहरण हंै। यह अपने नागरिकों का सबसे ज्यादा ख्याल रखने वाला समाज है। यह व्यापार करने के लिए भी बेहद अनुकूल क्षेत्र बन चुका है।
अगर आप वहां कोई उद्योग शुरू या बंद करना चाहते हैं तो आपको केवल एक दिन लगेगा। वहां कर्मचारियों को नौकरी पर रखना भी आसान है और निकालना भी। लालफीताशाही न के बराबर है, भ्रष्टाचार का भी उन्मूलन किया जा चुका है। वहां के लोगों का जीवन स्तर दुनिया मंे सबसे ऊंचा है। ऐसे में अगर अन्य देशों को इससे ईष्र्या हो तो कोई अचरज नहीं होगा।
डेनमार्क में श्रम सुधारों ने व्यापार को बेहद आसान बना दिया है। ऐसे ही श्रम सुधारों की भारत में भी दरकार है, लेकिन इस मामले में हम आज भी पिछड़े हैं। भारत के श्रम कानून नौकरियों का संरक्षण करते हैं, जबकि डेनमार्क के कानून नौकरियों का नहीं, कर्मचारियों का संरक्षण करते हैं। इससे वहां उद्योगपति और कर्मचारी दोनों ही खुश रहते हैं। इसके विपरीत भारत का व्यवसायी किसी को अधिकृत तौर पर नौकरी पर रखने से डरता है, क्योंकि एक बार नियुक्ति देने के बाद उसे हटाना लगभग असंभव हो जाता है। भारत में तब तक औद्योगिक क्रांति की उम्मीद नहीं की जा सकती, जब तक कि वह बाबा आदम के जमाने के श्रम कानूनों का पूरी तरह से खात्मा नहीं कर देता।
स्वीडन में 1990 के दशक के पूर्वार्ध में हुए शैक्षणिक सुधारों में भारत अपने लिए भी सबक ढूंढ सकता है। स्वीडन में शैक्षणिक सुधार दो चरणों में हुए। पहले चरण में स्कूलों का नियंत्रण स्थानीय प्रशासन के हाथों में सौंप दिया गया। दूसरे चरण में अभिभावकों को सरकारी या निजी स्कूलों में से किसी में भी अपने बच्चे का दाखिला करवाने की छूट दी गई। इसके तहत सरकार अभिभावकों को वाउचर (एक प्रकार की छात्रवृत्ति) देती है। इन वाउचरों को हासिल करने के लिए स्कूलों में प्रतिस्पर्धा होती है क्यांेकि इन्हीं के बदले में उन्हें सरकार से पैसा मिलता है। हर स्कूल की कोशिश बेहतरीन शिक्षा देने की होती है।
स्वीडन का यह स्कूली मॉडल हमारे देश के लिए बेहद प्रासंगिक है जहां सरकारी स्कूलों की विफलता जगजाहिर है। मध्यमवर्ग के लोगों ने काफी पहले ही सरकारी स्कूलों में अपने बच्चों को भेजना बंद कर दिया था। अब तो गरीब भी सरकारी स्कूलों से कन्नी काटने लगे हैं, अपने बच्चों को सस्ते निजी स्कूलों में डालने लगे हैं। यदि हमारे यहां का कोई राजनेता स्वीडन के इस स्कूली पैटर्न का अनुसरण करे तो यकीन मानिए, वह कभी चुनाव नहीं हारेगा।
इससे मध्यम वर्ग से लेकर गरीब परिवार सब खुश होंगे क्योंकि सभी को शिक्षा के समान व बेहतर अवसर मिलेंगे। जिस स्कूल का शैक्षणिक स्तर जितना अच्छा होगा, उसे उतने ही अधिक वाउचर मिलेंगे और जितने अधिक वाउचर मिलेंगे, शिक्षकों को भी उतना ही अधिक वेतन मिलेगा। इससे सरकारी स्कूलों में भी शिक्षा का स्तर सुधरेगा क्योंकि शिक्षकों का वेतन उनके स्कूलों को मिलने वाले वाउचरों पर निर्भर करेगा।
स्वीडन में स्कूली सुधार एक बड़ी मिसाल है। यह निजी उद्यमियों व निवेशकों के अनुकूल है। इसमें सरकार को भी भूमिका निभाने का मौका मिलता है। वैसे स्वीडिश सरकार अपनी ओर से केवल संसाधन मुहैया करवाकर मूलभूत दिशा-निर्देश तैयार करती है। शेष जिम्मेदारी निजी क्षेत्र की होती है।
यहां कुछ ऐसे भारतीय भी होंगे जो कहेंगे कि स्वीडन जैसे छोटे-से देश से भारत को भला क्यों सबक सीखना चाहिए? लेकिन हमें यह नहीं भूलना चाहिए कि महान देश केवल इसलिए महान बने क्योंकि उन्होंने दूसरों से सीखने में कोई शर्म महसूस नहीं की और जो भी उन्हें ठीक लगा, उसे स्वीकारने में भी देर नहीं लगाई।
(लेखक प्रोक्टर एंड गैंबल इंडिया के चेयरमैन व मैनेजिंग डायरेक्टर रह चुके हैं।)
Posted by
9:19 AM
Labels: Current Issues
Sunday, May 4, 2008
California teen gives birth in shower, walks to hospital

"I was just a little nervous" when the labor began, Xochitl Parra said Friday from St. Mary Medical Center as she cradled her 8-pound, 3-ounce son, Alejandro.
The boy was normal and "eating like a champ," said Dr. Jose Perez, director of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
The teenager said she was alone and taking a shower around 5:30 a.m. Wednesday to get ready for school. Then the contractions took over.
"I felt his head coming, so I sit down and pushed so he could come out," she said.
Parra did not call 911 because the home phone was disconnected, and she did not want to wake the neighbors because it was so early. Instead, she wrapped the baby, got dressed and went to the hospital on foot.
"I started walking and jogging to the hospital," she said.
The teen came into the hospital lobby and asked for help, Perez said.
"She still had the placenta and the baby was still attached, so of course everyone said, 'Don't move!'" he said.
Perez praised the girl for taking quick action.
"They could have bled to death; thank God that didn't happen," the doctor said. "She was very clever. She knew what to do. She wrapped the baby up and walked over here."
Parra, a sophomore at Long Beach Poly High, said she had kept her pregnancy a secret because she was afraid her mother would "kick me out of the house." Her mother has now accepted the situation and is going to help the teen care for the baby so she can continue attending school, Parra said.
Perez called the outcome "heartwarming."
"We hear so much negative with teenagers throwing their babies in the Dumpsters," he said. "This baby is fine, and hopefully there will be a happy ending with the extended family."
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6:34 AM
Labels: News
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Uncensored scene from Maya Memsaab... Now really uncensored!
एक 15 साल पुरानी लो प्रोफाइल फिल्म माया मेमसाब अचानक चर्चा का विषय बन गई है। फिल्म के किसी दृश्य के कारण नहीं, बल्कि सेंसर किए गए एक सीन के कारण। इस सीन में आज के सुपर स्टॉर शाहरूख खान और फिल्म के निर्माता केतन मेहता की पत्नी दीपा मेहता के अंतरंग दृश्य हैं। अब तक न देखे गए इस सीन को किसी वीडियो शेयरिंग साइट यू ट्यूब में डाल दिया। यह वीडियो क्लिब सबके आकर्षण का केंद्र बन गया है।
माया मेमसाब(1993) मंगल पांडे जैसी फिल्म बनाने वाले केतन मेहता की एक आर्ट फिल्म थी। इसकी प्रमुख पात्र माया (दीपा मेहता) कई लोगों से विवाहेतर संबंध बनाती है। इसमें से एक युवक ललित(शाहरुख खान) उससे उम्र में कहीं छोटा है। मौलिक फिल्म में दोनों को बिस्तर पर एक साथ लेटे भर दिखाया गया था। लेकिन हालिया वीडियो दर्शकों को कल्पना करने के लिए कुछ भी नहीं छोड़ता। इसमें दोनों के बीच आक्रमक कामुक दृश्य हैं। यह दृश्य बेहद उत्तेजक हैं।
इस वीडियो के बारे में अभिनेत्री दीपा मेहता ने मुंबई के एक टेबलॉइड को बताया कि उन्हें इस अंतरंग वीडियो के इंटरनेट पर उपलब्ध होने की कोई जानकारी नहीं है। उन्होंने बताया कि हो सकता है किसी ने डीवीडी से लोड करके इसे इंटरनेट पर डाल दिया हो।
कुछ भी सेंसर नहीं था
दीपा ने कहा कि माया मेमसाब पर सेंसर बोर्ड ने कोई कैंची नहीं चलाई थी। यह जैसी की तैसी सिनेमा में गई थी। हालांकि उन्होंने इस कामुक दृश्य के बारे में कुछ भी कहने से इंकार कर दिया। उनकी इंटरनेट पर जाकर इसे देखने की कोई हसरत नहीं है। उनके पति और केतन मेहता का कहना है कि यह हो ही नहीं सकता कि इंटरनेट पर फिल्म से अधिक हो।
कोई आपत्ति नहीं
यह सीन 15 साल बाद कैसे इंटरनेट पर आया कैसे दीपा यह सोचकर समय जाया नहीं करना चाहती। उन्हें इससे रत्ती भर भी आश्चर्य नहीं। अगर मौलिक फिल्म में कोई दृश्य था तो उसे इंटरनेट पर आना ही था। आखिर इस पर इतना हंगामा क्यों। 50 साल पहले के मुकाबले भारत आज कहीं ज्यादा आजाद है।
माया मेमसाब(1993)
माया(दीपा महेता) बड़े सपने देखने और अपनी शारीरिक, भावनात्मक हसरतों को पूरा करने में यकीन रखती है। उसके पिता एक बार सीढ़ी से गिर जाते हैं। उनका इलाज करने आए डॉ चारू दास(फारूख शेख) से उसे प्यार हो जाता है। जल्दी ही दोनों शादी कर लेते हैं।
शादी के बाद धीरे-धीरे माया एक छोटे कस्बे और मध्यवर्गीय जीवन से ऊबने लगती है। उसके लिए अपनी हसरतों को रोकना मुश्किल हो जाता है और वह कई लोगों से विवाहेतर संबंध बनाती है। पहले ठाकुर रुद्र प्रताप सिंह(राज बब्बर) के साथ फिर अपनी उम्र से बेहद छोटे ललित(शाहरुख खान) के साथ। फिल्म का अंत अपनी इन अर्थहीन ख्वाहिशों के दलदल में फंसकर माया के आत्महत्या कर लेने के साथ होता है।
Posted by
11:51 AM
Monday, March 31, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
Batista vs. Undertaker vs. Finlay vs. Khali vs. Big Daddy...
Posted by
12:49 PM
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
Born Twice
An experimental – and controversial – procedure for treating a crippling birth defect in the womb offered Trish and Mike Switzer the only chance that their daughter would walk like other children. But the fetal surgery posed a fatal dilemma: Their baby could die before she was born.
Photographer Max Aguilera said about this photo: “During a spina bifida corrective procedure at twenty-one weeks in utero, Samuel thrusts his tiny hand out of the surgical opening of his mother’s uterus. As the doctor lifts his hand, Samuel reacts to the touch and squeezes the doctor’s finger. As if testing for strength, the doctor shakes the tiny fist. Samuel held firm. At that moment, I took this 'Fetal Hand Grasp' photo. As a photojournalist, my job is to tell stories through pictures. The experience of taking this photograph has had a profound effect on me, and I’m proud to share this moment with you”

The image accompanying the text quoted above is real in the sense that it is indeed a photograph taken during a revolutionary fetal procedure undertaken on 19 August 1999 to fix the spina bifida lesion of a 21-week-old fetus in the womb. The operation was performed by a surgical team at Vanderbilt University in Nashville which developed a technique for correcting fetal problems in mid-pregnancy by temporarily removing the uterus, draining the amniotic fluid, performing surgery on the tiny fetus, then restoring the uterus back inside the mother. The patient shown above, Samuel Armas, was the 54th fetus operated on by the surgical team; Dr. Joseph Bruner, the surgeon whose hands are pictured above, alleviated the effects of the opening in Samuel's spine caused by the spina bifida, a congenital disease that often leads to paralysis and other problems. Pictures from the surgery were printed in a number of newspapers in the U.S. and around the world, including USA Today, and thanks to the remarkable surgical procedure performed by the Nashville team little Samuel was born healthy on 2 December 1999.
However, it is not true, as described in the accompanying text, that these photographs were taken as Samuel's hand "emerged from the mother's uterus to grasp the finger of Dr. Joseph Bruner as if thanking the doctor for the gift of life," or that Dr. Bruner said "when his finger was grasped, it was the most emotional moment of his life." This misinformation has been propagated by many different sources, including the Michael Clancy, the photographer who snapped the pictures: "As a doctor asked me what speed of film I was using, out of the corner of my eye I saw the uterus shake, but no one's hands were near it. It was shaking from within. Suddenly, an entire arm thrust out of the opening, then pulled back until just a little hand was showing. The doctor reached over and lifted the hand, which reacted and squeezed the doctor's finger. As if testing for strength, the doctor shook the tiny fist. Samuel held firm. I took the picture! Wow! It happened so fast that the nurse standing next to me asked, 'What happened'?" "The child reached out," I said. "Oh. They do that all the time," she responded.
What actually took place, as described in news reports of the surgery, was that: Just as surgeon Dr. Joseph Bruner was closing the incision in Julie Armas' uterus, Samuel's thumbnail-sized hand flopped out. Bruner lifted it gently and tucked it back in.
(The dubious veracity of the photographer's version of events is highlighted by the disclaimer he appended to it on his web site, stating that it represented his "opinion of the events as they took place during the surgery for Samuel.")
The surgeon, Dr. Bruner, later elaborated on some of the exaggerated and false claims made about the photograph:
"It has become an urban legend," says Bruner, the Vanderbilt University surgeon who fixed the spina bifida lesion on Samuel. Many people he hears from wonder whether it's a fake.
"One person said the photo had been reviewed by a team of medical experts and they had determined that it was a hoax," Bruner says with a laugh.
More commonly, people want to know how the photo came to be. Some opponents of abortion have claimed that the baby reached through the womb and grabbed the doctor's hand. Not true, Bruner says. Samuel and his mother, Julie, were under anesthesia and could not move. "The baby did not reach out," Bruner says. "The baby was anesthetized. The baby was not aware of what was going on.
Posted by
9:57 AM
Friday, February 15, 2008
Google Finds New Way to Give aspires to use the power of information and technology to address the global challenges of our age: climate change, poverty and emerging disease. In collaboration with experienced partners working in each of these fields, we will invest our resources and tap the strengths of Google’s employees and global operations to advance five major initiatives.
Plug into a Greener Grid: RE
A significant amount of global greenhouse gas emissions are generated by coal-fired power plants and vehicles. To slow global warming, we must radically – and quickly – cut these emissions. Plug-in vehicles offer a major opportunity to reduce oil use and corresponding emissions while renewable energy sources – solar, wind, geothermal and others – could supplant a major portion of the planet's electricity generated from coal. is confronting the climate crisis on two fronts: We're working on developing utility scale renewable energy cheaper than coal (RE
Through our RechargeIT initiative, is working to accelerate mass commercialization of plug-in vehicles by seeding innovation, demonstrating technology, informing the debate, and stimulating market demand. In June 2007, we officially launched this initiative by unveiling our plug-in demonstration fleet, debuting Google's 1.6 megawatt solar installation, and announcing over $1 million in grants to support plug-in vehicle adoption. We also teamed up with PG&E to demonstrate vehicle-to-grid technology to show how electricity might be transmitted back and forth between plug-in vehicles and the grid.
Recharge a Car, Recharge the Grid, Recharge the Planet
RechargeIT is a initiative that aims to reduce CO2 emissions, cut oil use and stabilize the electrical grid by accelerating the adoption of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and vehicle-to-grid technology.
By demonstrating the technology using our own fleet and supporting others through grants and investments, together we will drive toward a plug-in revolution. See for yourself how our plug-in hybrids are performing in real world conditions.
Predict and Prevent
Rapid ecological and social changes are increasing the risk of emerging threats, from infectious diseases to drought and other environmental disasters. This initiative will use information and technology to empower communities to predict and prevent emerging threats before they become local, regional, or global crises.'s initial focus will be on emerging infectious diseases, which are on the rise worldwide. Climate change, urbanization, and rising international travel and trade all contribute to this threat. Moreover, humans and animals are coming into closer contact because of environmental degradation and increased demand for animal products. Nearly three out of four new diseases in the last three decades have spread from animals to humans. While everyone faces increasing risk from emerging infectious diseases, the world's poor – who have minimal or no access to health care and may live with and depend on animals for their livelihood – are exceptionally vulnerable and stand to suffer the most.
This initiative supports two inter-related pathways from prediction to prevention. The first is vulnerability mapping and identification of "hot spots." The second, creating systems to better detect threats to provide early warning and enable a rapid response.
Identify Hot Spots
Understanding the complex drivers that lead to emerging threats can help communities anticipate surprises and reduce vulnerability. is initially focusing on:
+ Sharing knowledge across human, animal, and environmental health sectors
+ Improving data collection, sharing, and analysis for enhanced vulnerability mapping and modeling
+ Contributing to enhanced resilience of communities to withstand threats and adapt to changes
Enable Rapid Response
Timely, accurate, and accessible information can help prevent localized health crises from becoming regional or global threats. is focusing on:
+ Using innovative methods to quickly find threats wherever they occur
+ Confirming outbreaks and identifying their cause
+ Alerting key stakeholders, from villagers to global health authorities
See's Grants & Investments page for a list of current partners. For a closer look, please read our initiative brief.
While we are not accepting unsolicited proposals at this time, if you are working in the following specific issue areas and are interested in a partnership, please contact us.
+ Collection of specimens at the human/animal interface to identify and map hot spots
+ Innovative, event-based surveillance at the community level in the developing world
+ Integrated vulnerability mapping to the drivers of emerging infectious diseases
Inform and Empower to Improve Public Services
In rich countries we take it for granted that when we turn the tap clean water comes out, when our children go to school there will be a teacher present, and when we have health problems the medical provider will be attentive. Quality public services – clean water, health, and education – are vital for human welfare and a strong economy. But in many countries in the developing world, essential public services are failing, especially for the poorest members of society. Conventional approaches to tackling this challenge have focused on tracking money spent rather than results achieved. Accountability to citizens and communities has largely been absent.
While there are no quick fixes, believes that providing meaningful, easily accessible information to citizens and communities, service providers, and policymakers is a key part of creating home-grown solutions to improve the quality of public services. Better information can help governments and other providers spend scarce resources wisely. And, empowered by information, citizens and communities can demand better services from providers or develop new solutions to meet their own needs.
We will work with public, private, and civil society partners to address each side of this problem. This initiative will begin with a focus on education, health, and water and sanitation services in East Africa and India. Our work will support efforts that lead to empowered citizens and communities, responsive providers, and informed decision-makers. Success will depend on the presence of strong and effective leadership. We are committed to investing in the next generation of business, government, and civil society leaders to ensure the sustainability of this initiative.
Empowered Citizens and Communities supports efforts to generate accountability and "bottom up" citizen engagement to influence the quality of public services. We will support efforts to provide easily accessible information to people so that they can choose the best strategy for themselves and their community. We will use multiple modes of communication (such as media, mobile, e-kiosks and other technologies) to allow a broader range of people to access information and we will seek innovative methods for disseminating information. We're focused on:
+ Informing individuals and communities of their rights, entitlements, choices, and quality of public services
+ Providing tools and information to increase access to and use of available services
+ Supporting civil society organizations that strengthen links between communities and policy makers.
Responsive Providers
We will enhance public and private providers' abilities to respond to the challenges of service delivery and increased demand. Access to new tools and better information will increase providers' autonomy and flexibility, shifting away from "business as usual" approaches to public services. Top-down accountability has too often failed because it is difficult to know what happens on the ground in an information-scarce environment. We envision providers that are responsive to citizen needs and committed to improving performance. We're focused on:
+ Increasing transparency in local budgeting and performance for improved resource allocation
+ Improving data quality to inform planning
+ Expanding service delivery with innovative information-based tools
Informed Decision-Makers
We will work to enhance the quality and quantity of data and evidence available for policymaking. To "unlock" existing data that is not publicly available, we are seeking innovations in the way data can be accessed, entered, stored, analyzed and communicated. believes that the transparency that comes with more public information increases checks and balances between citizens and communities, and policymakers. We're focused on:
+ Developing local capacity for data collection and analysis to inform decision making
+ Making existing information more public and useful for planning and advocacy
+ Generating evidence on "what works" and sharing this widely
Fuel the Growth of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are critical for creating more equitable economic growth. SMEs create opportunities for more people to participate in the formal economy and help reduce poverty by creating jobs. In many developing countries large businesses have access to formal, bank-based credit and capital markets while households and micro-entrepreneurs have access to micro-loans. This leaves a massive gap known as the “missing middle.”
While SMEs in rich countries represent half of GDP, they are largely absent from the formal economies of developing countries. Today, there are trillions of investment dollars chasing returns – and SMEs are a potentially high impact, high return investment. However, only a trickle of this capital currently reaches SMEs in developing countries. Our goal is to increase this flow.
We want to show that SMEs can be profitable investments. We will do this by focusing on lowering transaction costs, deepening capital markets to increase liquidity, and catalyzing capital for investment.
Lower Transaction Costs: Investing in SMEs in the developing world can be risky and expensive because of the difficulty in assessing entrepreneurs and the lack of standardized information. We will work on developing tools and systems to make it easier for growth capital to flow to these firms.
Deepen Capital Markets: Since there are few opportunities to exit successful SME investments to recoup the upside returns, as well as weak accounting systems and lack of transparency, investors are less likely to make equity investments in the first place. We will invest in information tools and investment mechanisms to increase liquidity in the market for risk capital.
Catalyze Capital: For the reasons listed above, investors are hesitant to invest in SMEs in the developing world. will invest in funds, partner with financial institutions, and directly support these firms to help make the business case for this sector and help make the market for new financial products and instruments.
Our geographic focus areas are India and East Africa.
While we are not accepting unsolicited proposals at this time, if you are working in the following specific issue areas and are interested in a partnership, please contact us.
+ Tools for better identifying high-potential entrepreneurs
+ Systems or methods for lowering financial transaction costs
+ Technology tools to standardize financial information
Posted by
11:12 PM
Labels: News
Monday, February 4, 2008
The Youngest Mother of the World
Pictured to the left, in 1940, is Lina Medina, her baby, and the doctor who delivered the baby. Her son was 11 months old in this photograhph
Born at full term at Lima's maternity clinic, her child was taken through a caesarian operation done by Dr. Lozada and Dr. Busalleu.
Her son, weighing 2,700 grams or 5.92 pounds, was well formed and in good health. Child and mother were able to leave the clinic after only a few days.
As a result of a disorder known as precocious puberty, Lina Medina, born September 27, 1933 in the small Peruvian village of Paurange, was 5 years 8 months old when she gave birth by cesarean section to her son on May 14, 1939 (Mother's Day of that year). The boy weighed 5 lbs and 9 ozs.
Lina is believed to be the youngest girl in the world to give birth to a healthy, full term baby.
Doctors found that Lina had a menstrual period at the young age of 8 months old. The reason for this disorder is not known. As it's not everyday a 5 year old girl gets pregnant, research on the disorder is hard. Dr. Gerardo Lozada the doctor who delivered her son was astonished.
When asked who the father was, Lina did not give an answer. Many believed her father had molested her and got her pregnant. He was arrested, but because of lack of evidence, the case was dropped.
When her son, Gerardo (named after the doctor who delivered him), was 10 years old he discovered something quite shocking: the girl he believed to be his 15 year old sister was actually his mother.

Gerardo died at the age of 40 in 1979 from bone marrow disease. There is no evidence of the disease having anything to do with the fact that his mother had been so young when she had him.
Lina got married to Raúl Jurado in 1972 and had a second child 33 years after she gave birth to Gerardo. To this day the father of Gerardo is a mystery. Lina's second son currently lives in Mexico.
She was one of nine children born to country folk in Ticrapo, an Andean village at an altitude of 7,400 feet in Peru’s poorest province
A book, written by obstetrician Joseph Sandoval in 2002, who had been interested in her case, brought fresh attention to Medina’s story, and raised the prospect that the Peruvian government may belatedly offer her financial and other assistance. “The government condemned them to live in poverty back in 1939.
Extreme degrees of precocious puberty in children under 5 are very uncommon but not unheard of. Pregnancy and delivery by a child this young remains extremely rare because extremely precocious puberty is treated to suppress fertility, preserve growth potential, and reduce the social consequences of full sexual development in childhood.
Posted by
10:08 AM
Friday, February 1, 2008
Microhoo Wave: Together, Yahoo and Microsoft, can compete Google?
If Microsoft Corp manages to buy the ailing Internet icon, it faces a clash between Yahoo's free-wheeling corporate culture and Microsoft's more button-down workplace, where even casual meetings often require PowerPoint slides.
That culture clash is just the beginning of the challenges ahead for Microsoft if its $45 billion offer is accepted.
First and foremost, Microsoft must convince Yahoo's best and brightest to bury years of Silicon Valley animosity toward its wealthier neighbor to the north and work together to fight a common enemy: Google Inc.
Meanwhile, Microsoft's top brass will have a Noah's Ark of a Web company -- with two of everything -- that needs to be molded into one cohesive brand.
"It's definitely going to be a long process," said Toan Tran, analyst at Morningstar, noting Yahoo's own restructuring adds another layer of complexity to what already would have been an arduous integration.
Microsoft Chief Executive Steve Ballmer launched his charm offensive on Friday, telling a conference call for analysts that Yahoo employees should be "very, very excited" about Microsoft's offer and that the two companies share a common vision on the Web and will be more competitive together.
The Redmond, Washington-based company tends to breed aggressive executives in the mode of Ballmer, who rarely shies away from a fight, while Yahoo advertises its "irreverence" to prospective employees on a job site, saying "We yodel."
Analysts worry about employees wary of Microsoft leading an exodus of Yahoo talent to Google and others because, unlike mergers of companies with fixed assets and valuable patents, Yahoo's prime asset may be its people and their Web expertise.
"If you are a brainiac engineer within search or any other division within Yahoo, do you want to get usurped into a Microsoft culture where maybe they don't care as much about the Internet?" Bear Stearns analyst Bob Peck said on a call with clients.
"Culture clash will be one of the big things." The two companies tend to view the world in fundamentally different ways. Sunnyvale, California-based Yahoo has always been a Web company, while Microsoft's roots are in selling software that runs on a computer's hard drive.
Microsoft Office and Windows are its core products, providing the bulk of the company's profits. By contrast, its online services division has not turned a profit in two years.
The biggest challenge of all may be how to integrate two companies with significant overlap in Web properties. Analysts questioned whether a joint MSN/Yahoo can maneuver fast enough and make the right decisions within the Microsoft bureaucracy to slice and dice overlapping products like Web e-mail and instant messaging. Yahoo Mail and Microsoft's Hotmail are the No. 1 and No. 3 US Web e-mail companies. Microsoft said it expects to be able to drive $1 billion in "synergies" from joining resources in engineering and research and development, reducing capital expenditures and reducing area of overlap. With so much money at stake, and a potentially long integration, analysts said Microsoft can not afford to repeat some of its past mistakes made in carrying out plans. In recent years, Microsoft's Web services business has undergone a series of management shake-ups and strategic shifts.
It has posted a loss in eight straight quarters and the company says the unit is still in an "investment phase." "What happens when you take a company with a fair to middling performance online and it is the acquirer of a company that has done pretty well historically. Are they going to be able to execute?" said Matt Rosoff, analyst at independent research firm Directions on Microsoft.
A criticism often lobbed against Microsoft is that it confuses consumers with too many Web services brands such as Windows Live, Hotmail and MSN.
Adding Yahoo to the mix would only complicates things. Yahoo, like most of the world's biggest Internet companies, runs many of its services on so-called "open-source" software created by volunteers in the industry. This software is a principal rival to Microsoft Windows and Exchange software.
And Yahoo paid $350 million last September to buy Zimbra, an open-source maker of Web-based e-mail, calendar and collaboration software, that is considered a major rival to Microsoft's Outlook franchise. Morningstar's Tran, who argues the two companies should spin out their Web assets into a separate company, said Microsoft will be pulled in too many directions with different parts of the company seemingly at odds with one another.
"Swallowing Yahoo whole into Microsoft is just not going to work," Tran said.
Posted by
8:41 PM
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Tell Me!!! What Do You Want To Say On PERTH Test Win....
BCCI President Sharad Pawar on Saturday hailed the Indian team for their stunning victory against Australia in the Perth Test and also promised to felicitate captain Anil Kumble for joining the 600 Test wicket club.
"On behalf of the cricket loving people of India and the Board of Control for Cricket in India, I extend heartiest congratulations to Team India led by Anil Kumble for their emphatic win over Australia at Perth," Pawar said in a statement.
"It was a great team effort with each member contributing to the win, particularly the efforts of the young and inexperienced pace attack is laudable," he said.
"Anil Kumble led the team with dignity and honour both on and off the field and marshaled his resources well," he said.
Congratulating Kumble for achieving the personal milestone of 600 Test wickets, Pawar said, "The Board of Control for Cricket in India is indeed very proud of Anil's achievement and it will felicitate him in a befitting manner after the return of the Indian Team from Australia."

India, the last team to beat Australia at home in 2003, won by 72 runs to dash the hosts' bid to break their own world record of 16 consecutive test wins.
"To win over here, this has got to be without doubt the greatest win Indian cricket has had over the last 35-40 years." Gavaskar, who was commentating on the match, said.
Australia, chasing 413 for victory, folded with over a day to spare. The victory was particularly sweet for the Indians as it was achieved barely a week after the second test in Sydney ended in controversy.
Gavaskar rated the performance, India's fifth win on Australian soil, ahead of memorable 1-0 series victories in West Indies and England in 1971.
The Indian cricket board praised the team and pacers Irfan Pathan, RP Singh and Ishant Sharma, who shared 14 wickets.
"It was a great team effort with each member contributing to the win, particularly the efforts of the young and inexperienced pace attack is laudable," board president Sharad Pawar said in a statement.
"(Skipper) Anil Kumble led the team with dignity and honour both on and off the field and marshalled his resources well."
The leg spinner would be felicitated on his return after becoming only the third bowler in test history to claim 600 wickets during the match.
India hailed their team's superb win over Australia in the third test in Perth on Saturday, with former batting great Sunil Gavaskar dubbing the performance as one of the greatest in the nation's test history.
India, the last team to beat Australia at home in 2003, won by 72 runs to dash the hosts' bid to break their own world record of 16 consecutive test wins.
"To win over here, this has got to be without doubt the greatest win Indian cricket has had over the last 35-40 years." Gavaskar, who was commentating on the match, said.
Australia, chasing 413 for victory, folded with over a day to spare. The victory was particularly sweet for the Indians as it was achieved barely a week after the second test in Sydney ended in controversy.
Gavaskar rated the performance, India's fifth win on Australian soil, ahead of memorable 1-0 series victories in West Indies and England in 1971.
The Indian cricket board praised the team and pacers Irfan Pathan, RP Singh and Ishant Sharma, who shared 14 wickets.
"It was a great team effort with each member contributing to the win, particularly the efforts of the young and inexperienced pace attack is laudable," board president Sharad Pawar said in a statement.
"(Skipper) Anil Kumble led the team with dignity and honour both on and off the field and marshalled his resources well."
The leg spinner would be felicitated on his return after becoming only the third bowler in test history to claim 600 wickets during the match.
Kapil Dev
Former India captain Kapil Dev on Saturday lauded Anil Kumble's men for beating the odds to end Australia's winning run in Perth but felt the victory, though impressive, pales in comparison to the 2001 Kolkata-Test triumph under Sourav Ganguly.
"It is a great victory at that, though I consider India beating Steve Waugh's team in Kolkata was a greater one," Kapil said.
The former all-rounder, however, made it clear that Saturday's victory had its own special place because of the extraordinary circumstances under which it was achieved.
"Today's win is a great and brilliant victory coming under extraneous circumstances. It is a win that boosts the pride of every Indian because every chip was down and against India's favour," he said.
Kapil said the Indians were the underdogs going into the match but did well to come out trumps.
"Any cricketer at world level, be it Indian or otherwise, would not have given even 10 per cent chance to India before the match," he said.
"If you asked anyone, including myself, all would have said a draw is impossible and would have rated Australia as hot favourites with 90 per cent chance. Being an Indian, I would have given 15 or 20 per cent chance to India," Kapil said.
Kapil lavished praise on Anil Kumble's captaincy and said, "I congratulate Anil and members of the team and say that the team has proved that their solid victory over the world champions is no fluke as they dominated and showed their supremacy in each sessions of all four days."
"More than anything each of the player has done his job successfully and this augurs well for future of Indian cricket," he added.
Kapil hoped that the team would carry the momentum into the fourth and final Test in Adelaide and level the series.
"I duly hope that they maintain the momentum and reach greater heights. Now we are in a better position to square the Test series against the Australians."
Rahul dravid
Former captain Rahul Dravid is elated that the Indian team, written off after their back-to-back defeats in Melbourne and Sydney, finally upset the Australian applecart in Perth on Saturday.
"Nobody gave us a chance to win the Test but we showed what we can do," a beaming Dravid said after India's 72-run win over Australia.
"It was a team effort and I am happy for Kumble and the boys that we came up with a remarkable win," he added.
Dravid, who top-scored in India's first innings with 93, however, refused to be dragged into the debate on whether it was India's greatest Test triumph abroad.
"We had some other wins outside India earlier and it is difficult to pick which one was the best. But, it was a sweet win for us as it came against the Australians and after we were 0-2 down in the series," he said.
The right hander was all smiles and was relieved that his dismissal at a crucial stage in the first innings did not prove costly.
"I thought I had messed up in the last half an hour of the first day by getting out at a crucial stage for the team. Fortunately, the bowlers performed fantastically and Laxman came up with a fine knock in the second innings. So, it has sort of removed my regret," he added.
Assistant coach Lalchand Rajput said after trailing 0-2, the team was determined to prove a point by winning the Perth Test.
"We were 0-2 down and lots of things had happened in the tour. The boys desperately wanted a win. We wanted to give the Aussies a run for their money," he said.
Rajput had special words of praise for the bowlers for doing a fine job on a pitch famed for pace and bounce.
"There were lots of stories going around that the Indians would not be able to cope with the pace and bounce in Perth. But our plan was simple: win the toss, put up a good total and put pressure on the Australians. RP Singh, Irfan Pathan and Ishant Sharma did great job in both the innings. Ishant is improving with every match. He has a bright future," Rajput said.
Comeback man Virender Sehwag rated the victory as one of the best ever.
"A lot was said about the pitch, its bounce and Australia's all-pace attack. All these make it a very special win," he said.
On his suggestion to Anil Kumble to give Ishant a longer spell, Sehwag said, "As the Delhi captain, I knew he could bowl a longer spell and that's why I asked Anil to continue with him."
Ishant removed Ricky Ponting in that over to vindicate Sehwag's trust in him.
Anil Kumble
Indian captain Anil Kumble on Saturday described the sensational victory in the third cricket Test against Australia as "one of the best" in his career and said it was a remarkable effort from his team after the traumatic events in Sydney.
"It was one best Tests in my career. Nobody gave us any chance in Perth. But we batted brilliantly, Sachin (Tendulkar), Rahul (Dravid), (Virender) Sehwag, (VVS) Laxman even at the lower order MS Dhoni and RP Singh," Kumble said after winning the match by 72 runs.
"We had tough times. After Sydney, it was important that we got together, back Harbhajan (Singh) and win this game.
"After Sydney there were two options. One was to go back home and the other was to show that we are capable of winning. I am glad the team has got together to prove that (beating Australia)," he said.
Kumble said unlike the Sydney match both the sides played the third Test in true spirit of the game but India dominated the Australians.
"The two teams played in right spirit. But here we did well and if see we did not give one session to the Aussies to come back," he said.
The Indian captain said his team was focused to win the fourth and final Test as well and draw the series.
"We need to get the confidence from this match to Adelaide and finish the series level but the Aussies would not give up," he said.
Comparing rookie pacer Ishant Sharma to former pace ace Javagal Srinath, Kumble said the young speedster notched up a superb performance.
"He was brilliant. He looks like what Srinath was in his early days. He showed a great attitude."
About Sharma's extended spell, which earned the crucial wicket of Australian captain Ricky Ponting, Kumble said, "Viru (Sehwag) is the Delhi captain. So he told me that Ishant is used to bowl longer spells. I asked Ishant if he can bowl one more over and he said yes. Since Ricky was there it was important."
Kumble also singled out Sehwag (2-24), who he brought in as a change bowler, for his outstanding performance causing the Australian collapse.
"Sehwag does something special. It was special to get Gilly (Adam Gilchrist) at that stage," he said and added "in fact, everyone chipped in to contribute to the win in some way or the other."
The 37-year-old leg spinner, who also achieved his personal milestone of crossing the 600-wicket mark here, gave credit to his team for ulitising the conditions here better than the hosts.
"It was a brilliant effort from our boys. It is really special. No one gave us a chance before the match but we utilised the conditions better.
"It was a brilliant effort from young pace attack, it also showed in their body language."
Rival captain Ricky Ponting tried to be graceful in the defeat by expressing the disappointment but offering no excuses for their below-par show.
"It is disappointing but no excuses for the defeat," Ponting said after Australian team was deprived of a record 17th successive Test win by the Indians.
Ponting, however, admitted that his team needed some bigger partnerships and more runs in the first innings which could have made their run-chase easier.
"We could have scored better in the first innings and we also needed some good partnerships. It would have helped our cause in the run-chase. But India's young bowlers really bowled well because of which it was not possible," he said.
Man-of-the-match paceman Irfan Pathan, who picked 3-54 in the fourth innings and also contributed 46 runs with the bat in India's second innings, said things were looking better for him from here.
"It's pretty good. I'm pretty happy with the way I batted and the way I bowled," he said.
He admitted that he was not bowling well last year but the return of swing in his deliveries had again made him effective.
"If a player has a stint of 10-12 years, bad times are bound to happen and that happened with me also. I worked at the MRF Pace Foundation and with our bowling coach Venkatesh Prasad. Things are looking much better for me now," he said.
On his all round performance, he insisted, "I have mentioned that I am a bowler first and would also like to contribute to the team with the bat".
Ricky Ponting
Australia are confident they will regroup from the 72-run defeat by India on Saturday to win next week's fourth and final test in Adelaide.
"Australian teams historically have been able to bounce back," captain Ricky Ponting told a news conference. "If we lose a game or have things not go our way we can turn things around pretty quickly.
"That's what our whole focus will be now. We played some great cricket in Melbourne, we played some great cricket in Sydney. We've let ourselves down a little bit in this game but it's about how we bounce back from that now."
Ponting said the visitors deserved to win the third test here and keep alive their hopes of squaring the series 2-2 in Adelaide but warned Australia would learn from their errors.
He said the home team were not at their best at the WACA, misjuding the pace of the pitch and making a string of fundamental mistakes.
"It was a tough four days, India deserved to win the game the way they did. They outplayed us for the majority of the game," said Ponting.
"A lot of our skills have let us down more than anything this week. I thought our preparation was great and it was just little critical moments in this match we faltered and it's been a long time since we've done that."
Saturday's defeat was Australia's first in a test for nearly two and a half years and their first at home since 2003.
It also ruined their chances of setting a world record of 17 consecutive test victories.
"Sixteen matches in a row is a great achievement, it would have been great to win one more...but we haven't been good enough in this game," said Ponting.
"The run was always going to come to an end at some stage, we just haven't played a brand of cricket that has been good enough to win this match."
Ponting said he was not surprised at how strongly India rebounded from the disappointment of losing the first two tests and said he was expecting his side to do the same in Adelaide.
"The Indians are a very good team," he said. "We never underestimate any opponent and certainly not the Indians because we know they, particularly their batting, can be a formidable opponent and their bowlers did a terrific job here."
Ex Cricketers Hailed on Team-India's Victory at Perth Test
Former cricketers on Saturday hailed India's victory in the third Test against Australia as a "memorable achievement" and said it was all the more creditable as it came after the turmoil that followed the Sydney Test.
The players also lavished praise on skipper Anil Kumble who showed remarkable poise in the difficult times and succeeded in regrouping the team after two consecutive losses.
"Anil's decision to bat first was great after a lot of people had written about the bounce on the wicket. Had we won the Test at Sydney (where a number of crucial decisions went against India) things would have been even better," said former captain and chairman of selection committee Dilip Vengsarkar.
"I hope the team continues to play in the same manner at Adelaide (fourth and final Test from Jan 24-28)."
"It was a tremendous victory especially considering the reputation of the Perth wicket and the opposition. I had always felt we can beat Australia in Australia and it has been proved," he added.
Another former Test captain Ajit Wadekar and left arm spinner Bapu Nadkarni also termed the victory a tremendous one and rated it as one of the top three in the annals of Indian cricket.
"It was a great victory and would rate it only behind our wins in England and West Indies (in 1971). The team showed tremendous positive attitude by deciding to bat first after all the pundits had said that the wicket would be very bouncy and put Australia on the backfoot," Wadekar said.
"The decision to introduce Virender Sehwag into the attack today was a master stroke. It reminded me of the Oval Test (against England in 1971) where I brought on (Bhagwast) Chandrasekhar for (Bishen) Bedi," Wadekar recalled.
"Anil is a tremendous fighter but does not show it outwardly. He has what I call controlled aggression. Irfan Pathan also bowled and batted very well. He looks to be a capable all rounder," he added.
"The way India have turned things around after the happenings in the Sydney Test, which would have been a morale dampener, was fantastic."
Nadkarni echoed Wadekar's views and said, "This victory should go down as among the top three by India in Tests. I was very impressed by the way the team played aggressively and as a team from the first ball. They showed zest for victory."
"Too often in the past we have come so near to victory before falling by the wayside. An example was the Karachi Test (against Pakistan in 2006) when we lost after having them on the ropes at 46 for six," the former left armer said.
"Beating Australia in Australia is not a joke. Had things gone our way (umpiring decision-wise) we would be up 2-1 now.
I am very impressed by the way Kumble has led the team, it has been tremendous," he said.
"The spirit should be kept high as we go into the final Test in Adelaide. What we have seen is tremendous team spirit.
We have showed we are capable of beating the giants of the game on their own turf," he added.
Former player and chairman of selectors Chandu Borde also lauded the team for shrugging off distracting controversies to keep the series alive.
"It is an amazing and fantastic victory because at one stage the Indian team was in a turmoil whether to stay back in Sydney or to proceed and fight back the Australians," Borde said.
"They chose the second option and the way the fought back resulted in a tremendous win for us," he added.
Borde praised comeback heroes Sourav Ganguly, Virender Sehwag and Irfan Pathan for their fine show.
"Though the team as a whole deserves all encomiums and praise, I am happy to note that Sourav Ganguly, Virender Sehwag and Irfan Pathan in their come back trail have performed remarkably well," he said.
"Sehwag and Pathan chose the right path and clicked well to send notice to others. They proved that they still have the game in them," he added.
19-year-old pacer Ishant Sharma's lion-hearted effort also caught the eye of Borde, who felt the bowler proved himself to be an exciting prospect.
"I am totally impressed with him. He was with us in the England tour but there he was struggling because of no ball problems. He seems to have got over such problems. He has speed, height and age with him and he will go a long way in serving India and has a bright future," he said.
Borde felt Kumble's gritty leadership also had huge part to play in the Indian triumph.
"I raise my hat for Anil (Kumble) for his handling the side with experienced ones and the younger lot and one could visualise as to how the team had played together for the winning cause," he said.
Legendary spinner EAS Prasanna also saluted the team's effort considering it came after a week of off-field drama following the Sydney furore.
"It is an extremely deserving win under extra-ordinary situations. The win speaks volumes about the togetherness of the team members. The trauma that they underwent has really been a motivating factor and it resulted in our superb victory," he said.
Once again Kumble's captaincy drew rich praise from Prasanna.
"Even before leaving the Indian shores, Anil (Kumble) has been saying that he leads a winning combination. He has pieced together the strengths of each member of the team effectively and proved himself in man management," he said.
"He has bestowed well in giving a fair deal to each of the playing eleven during the four days in the Perth Test."
Former skipper Krish Srikanth was also impressed by Kumble's determination.
"Hats off to each member of the team, particularly Anil Kumble for his leadership qualities. The manner in which he encouraged the three youngsters like Sharma, RP Singh and Pathan was striking," he opined.
"Anil's grit and determination and motivating his team members taking the Sydney fiasco has proved vital in our win," he said.
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10:55 PM